Whale Watching Tours Cairns’ Advanced Ecotourism Accreditation distinguishes us as one of Australia’s leading and most innovative ecotourism products.
Eco Certified
Tackling Climate Change
At Whale Watching Tours Cairns we believe each person around the world can reduce their total emissions each year. There are hundreds of different ways we can do this by introducing environmental practices into our everyday life such as using energy saving appliances, low energy bulbs, reduction of waste and litter and the use of environmentally friendly detergents.
When travelling we encourage our guests to ensure these practices are maintained, even whilst away from home, and to choose to support tour operators who have achieved the Ecotourism and Climate Action certification logo.
Whale Watching Tours Cairns carries an Advanced Eco Accreditation – the highest level of accreditation awarded by Ecotourism Australia. We also carry a Climate Action Business Certification and are a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). These certifications distinguish us as one of Australia’s leading and most innovative ecotourism products.
All of our activities are carried out following industry best standards/guidelines and your patronage helps support important conservation initiatives aimed directly at the protection of Australia’s natural heritage.